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Main » 2010 » October » 25 » ptcerberus
12:01 PM
Lasciate Ogni Speranza Voi Che Clickate

PTCerberus is designed to provide the best possible service to users who register and place their trust in this project. Her arms are winning innovation and low prices.PTCerberus is designed for small and medium-sized advertisers who want to achieve a certain target by spending as little as possible, and has been optimized to allow for a certain profit to those who want to invest a little money. Among the innovations PTCerberus stand out:

History in Real Time: quick summary of all transactions that occurred in your account!
Purchase of Referral: The user has the option to buy at low prices and referral to replace them manually if inactive at no cost!
Upgrade: economic costs, according to the duration of the upgrade!
Bonus: Additional earnings available every day!
Free Sponsorship: use the credit earned to sponsor up to 0 cents PTCerberus!
Arbitrary Cashout: You have the power to choose how much you withdraw from your account and how much money used to sponsor in PTC!
Low Payout: reached € 5.00 you can request payment and be paid via PayPal or PostePay!
Request reflink: PTCerberus email attachments to your referral link and get hundreds of potential referrals!
Directory: Add free your website / blog will be linked on every page!
Support: Use the forum for any question or problem!
Help PTCerberus: you have innovative ideas? proponile in the forum and help us do better!
Category: BUX | Views: 1397 | Added by: zhllzt | Rating: 4.0/1
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